How do I post a new project or task?

To create a new project, go to your organisation page, click on the “+ Add Project” button. Please fill out all the fields on the page. The more detail that you can give your volunteers the better the outcomes of the project will be. Once you have created the project,...

How will Communiteer support my project?

We will work with you to create impactful projects that are aligned to your organisation’s mission and meet your business needs. All projects will be uploaded to the platform, where they can be accessed by all volunteers. Those volunteers who are interested can help...

I need some help creating a project

Feel free to reach out to us at and we can provide you with the relevant information or book in some time to walk you through the project creation process.

Posting a story

First, go to the ‘Community News’ tab, which is offered on the left side menu of your screen.  Next, you want to select ‘New Story’. Currently, you need to add an image to your post so it can post by selecting the camera icon which opens...