Corporate Volunteering

Communiteer’s mission is to help those who want to do good do it together.

We work with leaders to leverage volunteering as a driver of employee, business and societal outcomes.

  • 

    Corporate Giving

  • 

    Employee Value Proposition

  • 

    Shared Value

  • 

    ESG Strategy

  • 

    Learning & Development

corporate volunteering employee volunteering

What we do

Employee volunteering corporate volunteering


Access to a variety of volunteering events, programs and causes.

Employee volunteering corporate volunteering


Strategic support in recruiting and mobilising employees.

Employee volunteering corporate volunteering


Enhanced coordination of volunteering with our custom-built platform.

Employee volunteering corporate volunteering


Aligned reporting to your business and impact goals.

Volunteering Events

Bring employees across teams out of the day-to-day and around something purposeful.


Employees form multi-disciplinary teams to ideate solutions to challenges in a fast-paced, structured workshop.

Local Community Service

Group based activities with community organisations locally at one or more locations, onsite or offsite.

Team Building with Purpose

Employees participate in a facilitated exercise based on a social cause to improve their team dynamic through experiential learning.

Opportunity Board

Streamline management, coordination, recognition and reporting with our corporate volunteering platform.

Users can browse available volunteering opportunities, filtering by cause, type, and location.

Consulting Services

Transform a spark into traction and engagement with our team’s extensive experience in designing and facilitating corporate volunteering programs.

Volunteering Strategy

Lean on our knowledge and expertise to craft a long-term strategy that embeds corporate volunteering in your organisation.

Engagement Assessment

A 360′ evaluation based on qualitative and quantitative data to reflect the status quo of your volunteering program.

ESG Reporting

An independent report to assess and measure the inputs, outputs and outcomes of your volunteering program.

Let’s get started

We’ll work with you to find the ideal combination to reach your organisational goals, engage employee volunteers and amplify social impact.

Our Work in Corporate Volunteering

Hear the experiences of corporate volunteers using their skills for good and connecting with like-minded colleagues to support community organisations.

One of my passions is helping unleash people’s potential. And this is a great platform to do it. Being a facilitator is not to come up with the ideas myself, but to enable others to come up with great ideas to create sustainable, positive impact.

Joan Tang

Executive Manager, Tech Practice Lead

We wanted to do more of that skills-based, professional-based volunteering. The people who participated felt like we’ve been able to lend some practical support to community organisations.

Sarah Clarke

General Manager - Sustainability

It was really good to step outside of our normal roles, use our skill-sets and apply them to a not-for-profit. It’s opened my mind up to step outside my comfort zone to help someone else for the greater good.

Peter Burdon-Smith

Head of Leasing

It was a collaborative effort with real outcomes to real problems. I found the experience immensely rewarding, educational, and ultimately meaningful. We made a real impact on a medical challenge.

Koray Koksa

Rare Disease Lead

The flexibility that allows for volunteering within the working day is just awesome. This is I think a better way of using some of that leave, an hour a week over a period of time.

Dean Uhlmann

Healthcare System Partner

I love the Communiteer concept! Being able to search by skill/role. Sure, I’m passionate about the environment but I’ve a limited skillset so why not share it around!

Bec Archer

Project Manager - Hospital Business Unit

Mirvac's National Community Day

Clean Up Australia Day

Mirvac's Hack4Good

Pfizer's Hack4Good