Communiteer’s Volunteering Policy

At Communiteer, we are unwavering in our belief that volunteering plays a pivotal role in fostering community cohesion and providing essential social support.

This policy articulates Communiteer’s commitments to volunteering and how the organisation strives to ensure volunteering practices we and our partners deliver are ethical and sustainable.

Communiteer itself does not govern nor take responsibility for the Volunteer Involving Organisations (VIOs) found on the Communiteer platform. It does, however, provide resources and guidance to support these organisations in maintaining safe and ethical volunteering practices in line with the National Standards for Volunteer Involvement. Communiteer is committed to acting upon reports of concern from volunteers to improve for-purpose organisation processes or remove them from the platform if necessary.

Communiteer recommends that each VIO design their own Volunteering Policy along with the necessary insurance & policies required to manage volunteers safely.


Definition of Volunteering

‘Time willingly given for the common good and without financial gain.’

Volunteering Australia, 2015

This captures both formal and informal volunteering, recognising the contributions of all volunteers who give up their time freely to support the community. This includes various forms of community support that may not be regarded as volunteering in varying cultural contexts, such as “community giving” which is often used in First Nations communities and acknowledges that many cultures may not have an equivalent word for volunteering.

Communiteer’s vision for a cohesive society aligns with Volunteering Australia’s National Volunteering Strategy (2023) vision of an Australia where “more people volunteer more often.”


Our Commitments

1. Strengthening community connections

Communiteer acts as an aggregator in the social impact sector. Facilitating cross-sector collaboration to bring together the people, time and resources to strengthen the community and create meaningful social impact.

Communiteer encourages connections to place and to cause, using online technologies to enhance the physical connections made in the real world, as opposed to replacing them. This is done by providing pathways for volunteers to find charities in their local area or in cause areas they are passionate about via the volunteering platform, online and in person events.

Strengthening community connections allows for VIOs to increase their capabilities, expand their services and make a lasting impact on their communities.


2. Providing a safe & supportive environment for volunteers


Though Communiteer cannot monitor or maintain the physical space used for volunteering, the organisation strives to create channels for feedback and support networks for volunteers to access at all times.

By joining Communiteer, potential volunteers are provided information outlining the parameters of volunteering; what to consider, and how to identify when they are in an unsafe working environment. VIOs within our network are encouraged to have the correct insurance policies, provide adequate support & training to volunteers and provide a volunteering policy to the volunteers joining their services.

Though resources are provided to support VIOs to develop these materials, it is not a requirement and volunteers are encouraged to identify these safe practices before engaging in volunteering.


Communiteer recognises the vulnerability of young people in volunteering, and acknowledges the risks of exploitation, particularly of both domestic and international students. It is important to recognise that volunteers are not in an employment relationship with the VIO, and can choose to reduce or discontinue their volunteering at any time. Though there is no legal limit to the number of hours an individual can volunteer, volunteers must consider their wellbeing and be aware that they are under no obligation to maintain a set number of hours or roster.

More information to clarify this relationship can be found via the Fair Work Ombudsman.

Providing a safe and supportive environment for volunteers to meaningfully contribute ensures the longevity of the volunteers’ participation and allows the volunteer to confidently participate in their activities. The provision of online volunteering allows for a wider variety of safe and inclusive volunteering practices, however, also requires considerations to ensure safe cyber security practices are maintained.


3. Empowering and providing agency to volunteers

Communiteer believes in the ability of a well-coordinated volunteer cohort to make meaningful impact across the organisation, not just in the delivery of programs, but in the ongoing expansion of donations, support and activities.

A common misconception is that volunteers cannot be entrusted with “important” work within an organisation, or that more meaningful work should be reserved for paid staff members. In reality, the majority of the not-for-profit sector in Australia is reliant on highly effective and highly committed volunteering efforts, seen particularly in the ongoing efforts of board members, and volunteer-run organisations.

Communiteer understands the benefits of providing agency and autonomy to volunteers, including in the effectiveness of volunteering activities and methods of retention. When volunteers are able to make meaningful contributions and have input in their experience, they feel more connected to the program or organisation for a lasting relationship to volunteering.