Can I deactivate my account?

If you have an issue with our platform, feel free to reach out to us at and we can help you either resolve the issue or deactivate your...

Can I volunteer for more than 1 project at a time?

Yes, you can! While we encourage everyone to complete the opportunities they join, we also understand that you may have diverse interests and want to work on a few things at a time!

How can I become a project or organisation administrator?

If you are an organisation admin, then you can administer any projects for that organisation. If you are not, however, you can request organisation admin privileges from an existing organisation admin. If you only need to administer projects and not the organisation...

How do I find volunteering opportunities?

Find your volunteering opportunities on your dashboard. You can browse opportunities by projects and organisations as soon as you log in. You will see some suggested projects – which are active projects that align with your skills and selected causes.