Platform Release 2.2.0 & 2.2.1

November 25, 2022

Alexander De Barros Santos, Communiteer

Event page on platform

Oh hello there!

Its been a while, hasn’t it? How have you been? Yeah, wow! We’ve been pretty busy here. Now I know I’ve missed the last release notes, we’ve been busy like I said! But finally, they’re here now so lets take a gander together! Here is platform release 2.2.0 & 2.2.1

The Highlights

You wanted them, we got them. Events are now live on platform,  with Google Maps integration and the ability to add to the calendar of your choice! As a volunteer you can explore Events on the Explore page and can even share these events with non-Communiteer users for them to view. 

Editing, editing all around! Vastly improved the edit functions for Community Admins. It really was unreasonable for us to expect everyone to get everything perfect the first time around.

Quality Of Life Improvements. These range from error messages to no results found messages on search. These should make it clear that Inigo Montoya isn’t on platform, rather than the platform is just loading.

Bug fixes! Mostly rather small ones, ranging from sort not working on a few pages to edge case overlays not popping up.

Bug fixes! Mostly rather small ones, ranging from sort not working on a few pages to edge case overlays not popping up. You can read more below!


  • Clean up Volunteer Hours in the backend
  • As an Community Admin, while on a PBO, When editing tasks, I want to press a button saying Add New task, and a new task is created
  • As a Community Admin, while on an RBO, when editing the RBO, i want to be able to edit the Date Range
  • As any user, when i receive a notification about a discussion being made, when i click on it, i want to be taken to the relevant discussion
  • Copy Improvement – September 2022
  • Remove Private Communities from Affiliated Section of About Us Page
  • Remove My Communities button from user profile if they are not admins of any communities
  • Set the invite only function in Opportunity Creation to automatically be toggled off
  • View EBO (Community Admin) – Edit Location, Edit Date and Time, View and Invite Volunteer
  • Add to Calendar – Timezone addition in Create EBO Page 2
  • Build “No Results Found” error message on Search
  • Build Login Error Messages
  • Add To Calendar Feature Set Spike
  • Add to Calendar EBO Page
  • EBO Header Fade
  • Add EBO button to Opportunity Creation page
  • Build Page Views Widget on EBO NFP view
  • Build Google Map widget on EBO page
  • Create “Share Event” Function
  • Non-User Event Page
  • Explore Events Page
  • Event Cards
  • Explore Events Sort/Filter
  • Create EBO Page 2 – Calendar Date Picker
  • Create EBO page 3
  • View EBO (Community Admin)
  • View EBO (Volunteer)
  • Create EBO Page 2 – Location Section


  • As a Community Admin, when on ‘My Community Discussions’, I want to be able to edit my discussions
  • As any User on platform, while on ‘My Platform, Skills and Causes’, I want to be able to add causes
  • Switching the ‘Sort’ Volunteer Filter in NFP community should affect results in every tab of “My Volunteers”
  • Invite ‘Only Opportunities’ should only be visible to volunteers invited to specified opportunity
  • As NFP Admin, when in Manage Volunteers, when I click a volunteer’s name to view their profile, I would like ‘Updated Profile’ to be shown (visible via ‘Explore Volunteer’)
  • As a Volunteer, I want to be able to reposition my profile picture at any time and not only upon the first time of uploading it
  • As a Community Admin, when creating a discussion, I want the character count to appear inside the overlay
  • As a User on platform, when interacting with discussions, I want messages to only be sent once
  • Remove audit table from being counted in the total number of volunteer hours

For the Future

As always, I’m going to be cagey here, but we got some biiiiiggggg things in the works. We hope to be able to announce some of these things soon but all I can say for now is stay tuned!

For any feedback or support queries about the Communiteer platform, contact!

Gabe the Bug with Wrench

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